Pupil Voice

Pupil Voice

Pupil Leadership Team

The new curriculum for Wales has a greater emphasis on pupil voice and children having a more active role in school decision making. To help accommodate this the school has extended the roles of pre-existing groups and established new ones. We used to have one pupil committee which covered a number of responsibilities. We now have established groups, each one with specific roles within school development. It is hoped that this will result in more pupils having an opportunity to represent their classes and the school in issues which interest them and also lead to the children having a greater understanding and say in school developments. 

School Council (Mrs Last)

Mrs Last is the lead teacher for the School Council. The school council has been elected and is meeting regularly.

To date they have:

  • Looked at a s Simplified School Development plan which led to our School Values being displayed in all classes and a Healthy Snack initiative.
  • Pupils asked for places to have quiet play which led to the establishment of wellbeing areas on the school yard (Quiet corner / Games area) and also new benches.
  • Stick and Step Fundraiser where the children organised a cake sale, Smarties tub coin collection and Mrs Last did an amazing thing in completing the London Marathon.
  • They organised a Children in Need and Red Nose Day fundraiser.
  • In the summer they held an Ice Lolly Day for a donation.
  • Year 6 leavers 2023 raised funds for a new battery for the community school defibrillator during the drama club performances by making wrist bands to sell.
  • Helped with McMillan Coffee Fundraiser

Eco Council (Mrs Mathieson)

Mrs Mathieson is the  lead teacher for the Eco School Council. She has attended a training to learn about the role of Eco Schools within the school

  • Eco Council led a Wellbeing project with the help Angela Done which led to some exciting parent engagement sessions.
  • They also helped start new wellbeing area on school field which they will continue to develop this year

Criw Cymraeg
This group has the responsibility of promoting the Welsh language and culture throughout the school.

Digital Leaders (Miss Ellingham)
Digital Leaders have the responsibility of promoting safe internet use across the school. They are also used in a variety of ways to ensure digital devices are stored safely around the school and helping both pupils and staff with digital learning. Miss Ellingham has also established the digital heroes programme to support digital confidence within the community.

  • The Digital Leads have introduced a community focused Digital Café initiative where senior citizens of the village are invited into school every half term to receive support from our pupils on digital issues such as using excel, word, emails etc.

How Pupil Voice is Helping Others

  • Collection of clothes and goods for Ukraine
  • Christmas Jumper Swap Scheme (exchange jumper grown out of for a new one – this helped with recycling and saving money for parents!

Community Involvement

  • Our choir sang in Village Church for Harvest and also sang in Village Christmas Event

Pupil Led Clubs (after suggestions from pupils)

  • Card Club is held every Friday. This started during the Football World Cup last year and has now become a Pokémon club.
  • Chess club started this term

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