Home School Agreement

The Schools Commitment is to :

  • Welcome parents to the school as partners in their child's education
  • Provide a safe and secure environment for pupils
  • Provide equal access to all pupils to a broad and balanced National Curriculum
  • Encourage pupils to do their best at all times
  • Encourage pupils to have care and respect for other children and adults who work and help in the school
  • Encourage pupils to have care and respect for their surroundings and the property of others
  • Keep parents informed of their child's progress at school
  • Inform parents of matters for praise or concern affecting their child's work or behaviour
  • Advise parents of the topics for teaching at the beginning of each term
  • Keep parents informed about school life and events through regular communications.

The Parents Commitment is to :

  • Promote the importance of arriving at school on time
  • Ensure that their child attends regularly and provides a note or message of explanation in the event of absence
  • Support the school's expectations of care and consideration for others, their property, and their school environment
  • Let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect their child's work or behaviour
  • Support the school's policy on dress code for daily wear and for PE and Games
  • Endeavour to attend parents' evenings to discuss progress
  • Support their child when engaged in home learning.

The Pupil is expected to :

Abide by the school's code of conduct as exemplified by :

  • Always being polite, courteous and considerate to other pupils and adults
  • Maintaining the good name of the school and the family by his/her actions and behaviour
  • Being on time and attending every day
  • Wearing the correct school uniform
  • Ensuring that home learning activities are completed on time and returned to school
  • Always trying their best.

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