Homework Information

We do view homework as an important extension of school work and as a useful exercise in self-discipline, particularly as preparation for secondary education. Children are encouraged to take school books home to read and the homework for Reception, Year 1, Year 2 and Year 3 will be located in the reading folder.

Foundation Phase

Each week children practice their letter sounds and begin to take reading books home. We would ask that all children read as often as possible

Year 1
Each week children are asked to read as often as possible.

On occasions children may also be asked to complete class work and undertake some topic work.

Year 2
Each week children are asked to read frequently and to learn spellings (from October half-term). They may occasionally be asked to complete class work, undertake some topic work or practice number bonds/patterns.

Key Stage Two

Homework for Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 will be sent home at the start of a half term, which children having the freedom to choose from a range of tasks. Each homework grid is avaliable on the class pages for further information. The feedback from the homework trial is avaliable to download below.


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